BBK's Mission is Spreading, WorldWide

Imagine a World....

… where children get to wake up each day feeling good about themselves, look in the mirror and say “I rock!” 
Where their incredible self confidence has been built by proving to THEMSELVES through real-world, hands on experiences, the incredible impact they are truly capable of.

When a child is able to validate themselves internally, and measure their self worth based on their own goals, aspirations, and actions, then they are FREE. Free from the opinions of social media, their peers, their teachers, coaches, parents and the media in general. 

The mental health crisis shows that 7.5million youth under 25 suffer from some form of mental health challenges. And what is worse, of those seeking help and support, they are often left with a 6month – 2.5 year waiting list. 

It is time that we focus on prevention, over intervention, in youth when it comes to mental health. 

Our Mission

To Reach 1 Million Students With Future-Ready Educational Experiences By 2030

What is the Problem Exactly...?

It has been shown that grade 9, or around 13/14 years of age, is an indicator year in children. If their grades drop and negative attitudes and behaviours begin, that they are at a higher risk of developing mental health challenges. 

These can take on many forms, such as:

      • Depression, anxiety & suicide
      • Drug use and overdose
      • Eating disorders
      • Gang violence and recruitment
      • Bullying (emotional, physical, cyber)

Studies show as high as 1 in 3 people are coping with mental health challenges in Canada and there simply is not enough support and resources available for those seeking help, let alone for the many who suffer in silence or embarrassment. 

Prevention must take a higher priority and it must:

      • Start early in life. Well before a child reaches 13 years of age
      • Equip the individual to THRIVE in their lives, not just become educated in mental health and the many challenges they will encounter throughout it. 
      • Be accessible to all and reach the masses. No one can be left behind. The only way to reduce the significance of mental health is to reach children in every city, each year, no matter who they are.  

This is why BBK Network, and our Sister Organization Build a Biz Kids, exists. This is no longer optional . The families, communities, industries, the individual, and the world cannot wait any longer. It can only thrive when we can all have a chance at happiness, success, and personal fulfillment. 

We invite you to join us. As a Licensee, advocate, participant, or partner. If our mission resonates with you, reach out to learn more at [email protected]

So... How Do We Do It?

Studies show that individuals with higher developed Human Essential Soft Skills (HESS) and a Growth Mindset are more resilient, confident, and able to reach their goals faster without the need of external validation to do it. 

BBK Network & Build a Biz Kids develops the most progressive and robust Future-Ready programming for 7-14 year olds that not only flex over 70+ Human Essential Soft Skills (HESS) and cultivates their growth mindset, 

… but also provides them with real-world, hands-on experiences that give them immediate confirmation of how incredible they ALREADY are and what an incredible, positive impact they can ALREADY have on the world. 

With the support of individuals and corporations, just like you, we are reaching communities of children around the world, quickly and accessibly. 

Bring Future-Ready Programs to Children In Your Community

Whether you are already operating a youth based business, school or non profit, or want to start one, BBK Network programs are designed to be turn-key and integrate into your organizations current programming, or as an additional, stand alone program. 

Help more children learn all of the skills that you with you learned as a child and become a licensee today and license only the programs you are most inspired to offer.